History is often shaped by small groups of forward-looking innovators rather than by the backward-looking masses.
Most people are happy to acknowledge that ancient Greek gods exist only in the imagination. Yet we don’t want to accept that our God, our nation or our values are mere fictions, because these are the things that give meaning to our lives.
Catholic Church was responsible for important economic/technological innovations
In the 18th century, humanism sidelined God by shifting from a deo-centric to a homo-centric world view. In the 21st century, Dataism may sideline humans by shifting from a homo-centric to a data-centric world view (idea that 'organisms are algorithms').
science needs religious assistance to create viable human institutions: it describes facts but lacks ethical guidance.
this is a collection of notes that i've written over time, mostly for myself. in the spirit of working with garage doors open, i've published them and open sourced this website. works under writing are original, my notes a mix of thoughts with quotes from the artwork subject of the note.
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writing keeps ideas in space
speech lets them travel in time
we use paintings to decorate space
and music to decorate time
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find the way by moonlight
see the dawn before
the rest of the world
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unconscious time, no peace of mind,
falling in space but still alive.
sketching the future in a single line,
everything's spinning, cannot sit down.
moments in space, places in time,
thoughts penciled in, now come to life.
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As of today, no one knows how to translate paintings, flowers or music into language. Their beauty is implicit and exclusive to their form, which is why it's so hard to explain how a particular piece of art makes us feel.
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